
Residents are urged to keep an eye on Planning Applications in our area and you can do this using the list/map summary below.


Should you wish to make a comment click on the Full Details tab next to the application and/or contact the Parish Council using the contact us page on this site.


Pursuant to the Local Government Act 1972 and Section 27 of the Localism Act 2011, Grendon Underwood Parish Council (‘the Local Council’) is a designated Planning Consultee of the Planning Authority, Buckinghamshire Council.

The Planning Authority is legally obliged to submit planning applications, proposed within the Parish boundary, to their relevant Planning Consultee and invite it to provide a local perspective on the application.

The Local Council may or may not be obliged to respond to such invitations subject to it considering any such response to be divisive or not in the public interest. The Local Council will invoke its Planning Policy, taking due regard to its evaluation of any impacts on local need and sustainability. It is also required to take into account all relevant planning law and precedent.

In making any response the Local Council will always seek to represent the views of local residents, as it is able to ascertain these and where these are notified to the Local Council, such as to convey to the Planning Authority any local environmental concerns & infrastructure implications they may have, should the Planning Authority grant an application.

Whilst legally bound to “consider” local input, The Planning Authority is only required to give it that weight in the planning balance as it alone sees fit. The Planning Authority is NOT obliged to accept local input either in whole or in part.

Residents can make a comment either directly to the Planning Authority using the tabs below or by contacting the Parish Council using the form on the Contact Us page on this site.


The long-term vision for the Vale of Aylesbury has been agreed. The 'Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan' (VALP) sets out the blueprint and development strategy for the area up to 2031. It allocates housing land to meet predicted need, outlines what infrastructure is needed, provides for employment land and, importantly, incorporates environmental policies and protects and enhances the area's key natural features. It is, perhaps, the only local plan that adds to the Green Belt.

The Plan has been drawn up over a number of years, evolving from the now superceded AVDC plan, to include local consultations and significant revisions required by the HMG Planning Inspectorate. The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan Inspector’s Report was finally published on 3rd September 2021

The Planning Inspector for the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) has issued his final report to Buckinghamshire County Council and it has now been published on our website. The report finds the VALP to be a sound plan, subject to the modifications he has specified. This means the modified VALP could be considered for adoption by the County Council as the local plan for the former Aylesbury Vale area of Buckinghamshire. The County Council’s Cabinet and Full Council considered the Inspector’s Report for adoption of the VALP on 13th September 2021 (Cabinet) and 15th September 2021 (Full Council) and you can view it online on the BC VALP web pages at https://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/section/vale-aylesbury-local-plan-valp-2013-2033

This now means planned developments will need to reflect the overarching principles of the Plan when locating to the area. Similarly, local Parish Councils must consider planning applications in their areas such as to ensure they also comply with the basic intentions of the VALP.

GUPC has adopted these principles in its Planning Policy [on this site] and will give them considerable weight when responding to requests for planning application comment, from the Planning Authority, acting in its role of a legally mandated Planning Consultee.

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