
The Council is legally empowered, under various, benefit specific statutes, to make small grants [up to £1000] for the benefit of the Community. Such grants are only lawful if awarded subject to the following important stipulations and limitations. If you represent an eligible organisation, request an application form from the Parish Clerk on clerk.gupc@outlook.com.

IMPORTANT - Limitations & Stipulations of awarding a Grant:

i) Grant applications will only be considered by the full Council and with due regard to the relevant statute and its Grant Awarding Policy.

ii) The grant is made solely and exclusively to the applicant Organisation, and no individual or group of individuals within the Organisation, for it to act solely for the benefit of a majority of residents of Grendon Underwood Parish;

iii) It is made subject to it being used solely and exclusively for the Intended Purpose, as stated in the application, and is not transferable, in whole or in part, to any other objective, aim, interest or activity of the Organisation or any third party;

iv) Any surplus above the cost of achieving the Intended Purpose will become returnable to the Council;

v) Any shortfall in the cost of achieving the Intended Purpose does not bind the Council to make up such shortfall;

vi) The grant remains subject to the Council’s Grant Application Due Diligence Procedure to include the provision of annual accounts or invoices for any professional work specific to the Intended Purpose and to be paid for by the grant;

vii) Unless by special arrangement, the awarding of the grant does not set any precedent or bind this or any future Council to repeating the grant;

viii) The granting of an award does not imply any Council involvement with “church affairs”, graveyards, churchyards, burials or any responsibilities or liabilities arising from Health & Safety issues anywhere on the applicant’s property.

ix) Additional applications within any one Financial Year will not normally be considered.

x) All awards must be properly accounted for and evidence of expenditure should be supplied as requested. If the Parish Council is not satisfied with the arrangements, they reserve the right to request a refund of the public monies awarded.

Whenever possible, applications should be accompanied by the most recent set of invoices relevant to the Intended Purpose or accounts of the Organisation applying. Should none be available an explanation must be provided, if possible, with substantiating evidence, to enable the Council to make a judgement as to the viability of the applying organisation and the actual cost of achieving the Intended Purpose.

Where the Council holds data about you capable of identifying you, it will be held securely & only for as long as necessary. It will be used solely for the purpose it was collected & not disseminated to third parties unless Council has a legal obligation to do so. You have a conditional right to ask the Council, on clerk.gupc@outlook.com , what information it holds about you and for it to be deleted. For more information on your rights you can contact the Information Commissioners Office on casework@ico.gov.uk