
The Council maintains the following Memberships & Affiliations:

Information Commissioners Office [ICO] – under current Data Protection legislation, the Council is deemed a ‘Data Controller’. The Act also makes it mandatory for Data Controllers to “contribute” to the running of the ICO by annual subscription. A certificate is then issued confirming compliance.

Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Association of Local Councils [B&MKALC] – this gives the Council access to regular legal updates and interpretation of legislation governing how local councils conduct their business lawfully from the National Association of Local Councils [NALC].

Buckinghamshire Playing Fields Association [BPFA] – to contribute to and access support for the availability & maintenance of public open spaces throughout Buckinghamshire.

North Bucks Parishes Planning consortium [NBPPC] – to pool experience and amplify local concerns across all local parishes regarding planning applications/ developer relations. This includes joint responses to the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP).

No Expressway Alliance [NEA] – Council has joined the Alliance to collaborate with all those Councils that would be directly affected by any of the Highways England options proposed for the Arc. We join Buckinghamshire Council in opposition to the proposals both for the road and to inject 1 million new dwellings across the Arc, leading to massive over capacity and environmental destruction in our immediate vicinity. The ramifications of this as well as the VALP remain a major concern.