Grendon Underwood Parish Council is a legally constituted Local Authority whose Members are elected to represent the interests of the whole community. The current duly elected members of your Parish Council are listed below. In the interests of open & transparent local government, your Council believes in the right of residents of the Parish to contact their elected representatives directly. If you have any comments or questions, please come along to a meeting to find out what we are doing and how you can have your say in local matters. Or, alternatively, use the contact form on the Contact Us page of this site or the emails below as we are always pleased to hear any constructive comments & ideas.

Your Parish Councillors are elected in the Parish Council election or co-opted onto the Parish Council. The unpaid Councillors are here to represent you. in so far as they are empowered under statute.

The Council is required by law to employ a paid Responsible Officer, (sometimes also called The Clerk &/or The Responsible Financial Officer), an employee reporting directly to elected Councillors, to assist in the administration & financial governance of the Council's business and to monitor advice from NALC on legal matters.

If the Parish Council is not the correct Authority to deal with your query, we will help you find the correct one and can represent you if necessary.

Beside the Parish Council there are Buckinghamshire Council councillors at County level able to represent local interests across the Parish.

  • Chair of the Parish Council, responsible for Finance, Communications, Prison working Party, MoJ Lead, Defibrillators, Policies and Parish link with FCC Environment.

    Email :
    Councillor Kim Moloney

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Vice Chair, Full support to Chair role, Environment Lead to include Highways and Play Equipment

    Email :
    Councillor Nicholas Maker

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Member, Planning Co-ordinator, Faith Beaumont Charity, Treasurer of Grendon Underwood Football Club. Declared interest: village mowing contractor by resolution.

    Email :
    Councillor Andrew Benfield

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    Faith Beaumont Charity
  • Member, Planning Lead for the Parish Council, S106 Lead, Independent Trustee and Treasurer of Grendon Underwood Village Hall, Saye and Sele Trustee, Chair of Grendon Underwood Football Club

    Email :
    Councillor Paul Jackman

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    Saye & Sele Foundation
  • Member, Trustee of Grendon Underwood Village Hall, Trustee of Citizens Advice Buckinghamshire, Chair of Buckingham Rotary Club, Bereavement Listener for Florence Nightingale Hospice, Community Impact Bucks Befriender, St Leonards Church Warden, St Leonards Church Larder and member of Grendon Underwood Parish Church Committee. Declared interest: married to Buckinghamshire Unitary Authority Councillor Patrick Fealey, Buckingham & Villages Community Board (Vice-Chairman), Full Council Member, North Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee (Chairman), Strategic Sites Committee, Member of Conservative Party, Unison Trade Union, National Trust, Director of Buckingham Youth Club Ltd, Director of Camp Fire Educational Trust, Director of Turweston Airfield Consultative Committee and Member of Buckingham and Gawcott Charitable Trust

    Email :
    Councillor Lindsey Fealey

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

    Village Hall Charity
  • Member, Chair of Grendon Underwood Village Hall, Springhill Residents Lead, Youth Team coordinator and player registration officer for Grendon Underwood Football Club

    Email :
    Councillor Carol Scanlon

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Deputy Leader Buckinghamshire Council & Cabinet Member for Social Care

    Email :
    Buckinghamshire Councillor Angela Macpherson

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Representative Grendon Underwood Ward

    Email :
    Buckinghamshire Councillor Frank Mahon

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Representative Grendon Underwood Ward

    Email :
    Buckinghamshire Councillor Michael Rand

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities

  • Member of Parliament for Buckingham

    Email :
    The Honourable Greg Smith MP

    Sub-committees & Responsibilities